Thursday 27 March 2014


(Picture Credit - Our Family)

Dementia took Mum in her final year

So I never got to tell her how

I loved her so.

Or that I appreciated all she did for me

Without condition.

Dementia damn you!

For months Mum could not hear

Or understand

Most things we said to her.

We lost her way before the end.

Last time I saw her she was in a panic

Afraid she’d soil her pants

The care-home staff tied up with other things.

They always did their best.

I hope my actions were enough

To show my love for her.

May she rest in peace.

Paul Butters

Monday 17 March 2014


(Cone Nebula by Space dot com)

Oh Time you trouble me.
You’re always on the move,
So Death can come too soon.
Without you, though, we never
Would be here to live this life.

Yes, nothing can exist

Without your all-pervading presence.

They say your mother was
The Big Bang:

From nothing, a singularity,
You emerged.

So now you keep on going,
Remorselessly bringing

A seemingly endless cycle

Of Life and Death.

Can we travel through you?

Nobody knows.

Will you ever die?
Perhaps when the Universe has spread

Too thin.

One thing’s for sure.
Dear Time, we never can

Ignore you.

Paul Butters