Saturday 24 June 2023

Sultry Sun

 (Picture Credit - iStock - Preto Perola)


The sultry summer sun sucks all moisture out of the soil

To leave cracked earth: mini earthquakes

Soil crumbling into choking dust.

Brown lawns say it all.

Suffocatingly hot indoors

And baking outside.

Desert threat.


It’s the height of Summer

And even the wind is suddenly warm

On this humid, balmy day.

Bumble bees buzz about

On my Cotoneasters, Valerians, Geraniums

And Wild Lavatera.

Broken backed Lavatera

From a deluge

The other night.


Rather this close heat

Than the icy blasts of Winter

Better to slumber

In comfort,

Grab a cold beer

And enjoy the Sun.


Paul Butters


© PB 24\6\2023.