Monday 5 November 2012

Nobody Knows

(Picture Credit - Antifan-Real)

Will We live forever?
Nobody knows.

Can we conquer cancer.
Is there life after death.
Will our Universe fade away at the last,
Or will it be reborn.
Will it expand for ever,
Or wax and wane.

Will we ever find the smallest thing,
Or the largest.
Could we really travel through time,
Even to the next star.

Is there a God,
Or race of Gods.

Is this reality
Or just
A computer simulation.

Is there a Heaven
Or Hell,
Or are we reincarnated
To live endless lives.

Can we live forever in flesh
Or just in spirit.
Are there really ghosts
And poltergeists.

What is The Purpose of all this?
Why do we exist?
Yes, why are we here?

Nobody knows.

Paul Butters

© Paul Butters, 27\10\2012 in Yorkshire.

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