(Picture Credit - "Madness" by Noisy Vice com)
There’s a group called “Madness”,
Play a thing called “Ska”.
Though their music’s jerky,
Suggsy is a star.
Started in the seventies,
Still are going strong.
Suggs is their lead singer,
They just can't go wrong.
Would you Adam and Eve it,
That they done so well.
If you do not like them,
You can go to Hell.
They had fifteen top tens,
In their fine career.
Cheer them on I tell you,
I’ll just have a beer.
This poem’s written in their style,
That you must have seen.
If you hadn’t noticed,
Just where have you been?
Saw them on the telly,
Just the other day.
Was a golden oldie,
Hip hip, hip, hurray!
Oh where is that policeman,
To make that cardiac arrest?
Oh I’d better not hurry,
Being peaceful is the best.
(Inspired by "Cardiac Arrest" by "Madness").
(Inspired by "Cardiac Arrest" by "Madness").