Wednesday 28 December 2022

Clerihews December 2022

 (Picture Credit Adele Kenny)

Steve Green (with extra verses)

Stephen Green

Who knows where he’s been?

Out on that bike

Sometimes taking a hike.

Loves Rugby League and ale

And Cider by the pale.


Ryan Jagger

Look at Ryan Jagger

Dancing with a swagger.

Full of jokes and taking the Mick

Pours a beer-glass very quick.


Charles Lumley

Charles Lumley’s on full throttle:

He’s the owner of “Message in a Bottle”.

Stacks cans and bottles with precision

Never afraid to make a decision.



You just can’t beat that lovely Jenny

She surely is worth every penny.

Hearing music, she has to dance

Enchanting with that cheeky glance.


Doing his crossword, there is Nigel!

He knows everything from here to Rigel.

Need a proof-reader? He’s your man.

Want it in Latin? Nigel can.

Nuff Fer Now


Paul Butters


© PB 28\12\2022.

Monday 26 December 2022


Right now bright sunshine blinds us to the sense

That we all live in a nebulous mist of uncertainty

Only knowing that eventually everyone Dies

After witnessing the miraculous wonder of Existence.


Eternal Infinity is impossible

Yet so too are finite boundaries

That only last for seconds.


There must be an Ultimate, All Powerful, Supremely Intelligent Being


We would think.

But is that possible in an Infinite Eternity?

And would any such being really be Omni Everything?


So we soldier on

Keeping ourselves amused.

Watching out for any clues

As to what this is all about.


Paul Butters


© PB 26\12\2022.

Sunday 25 December 2022


(Picture Credit - Gizah Pyramids from Wiki com)

Legend says that during the last Ice Age

There was a worldwide civilisation

Quite advanced

Which built magnificent pyramids in Egypt,

South America and South East Asia

And great cities

Some deep underground.


But at the end of that Ice Age

There was a cataclysm

As snaking comet-shards showered on The Earth

So the ice sheets melted

Causing a Great Flood

And almost all was lost.


Which begs the question

How far back do we really go?

Were those mythical dragons

So bravely fought by noble knights

Actually Dinosaurs?


Have We been around for many millions of years?

Oh for a Time Machine

So we could go back

To discover The Truth.

Scientists insist there would be nothing to find

As their theories and constructs are all

They can see

Or wish to see.

But Intuition tells me otherwise

So the search for facts

Must go on.


Paul Butters


© PB 25\12\2022.