Monday 18 September 2023



 (Picture Credit - Tufts Now com)


Some say we all live in a “Multiverse” –

A myriad of universes

All parallel to one another

Invisible to us

Apart from our own universe

Wondrous as it is.


So in some other universe there is

Another version of yourself,

Where you turned right at some junction

Instead of left

And had a serious accident

Instead of winning the lottery.

Or nothing much happened

Or Everything.


Even my own fertile imagination

Is floored

By the endless possibilities here.

My mind is truly boggled

Fit to explode.


For every tiny insect in our universe

Might fly right

Or left

Or not at all

To thus create another universe.


I could write an epic poem on this.

To think that somewhere out there

I may be Immortal, or a King, or Rock Star

Or even about to be Executed

If not already dead.

And you might be these things too.


Versions of ourselves might live in universes

That echo those of fiction

In worlds such as Narnia, Middle Earth

And that of Star Trek, Star Wars

And Stargate SG One

To name but a few.


Oh to have a TV Remote

Like the fictional “Sliders”

To take us from this realm

To any other of our choice.

Or a “Uniscape”:

A machine like a Tardis

Which can take us to any place

Or time

Or universe

Or Other Multiverse???


My head is aching now.

My mind explodes

Like The Universe

And The Multiverse

Or Multiverse of Multiverses.

So I’d better stop

Before this becomes an epic

And my head explodes.


But, meanwhile, in another universe

I didn’t stop!!!


Paul Butters


© PB 18\9\2023.

Saturday 2 September 2023

Jungle Juice


All these vultures hovering around their prey:

Three golden prizes

Who will get there first?

Cue David Attenborough on commentary!

Coupled and single lions

Prowling about

Waiting for the chance of food and drink.


That coffee takes ages.


Yes, for this is my local

And my pack and I

Are thoroughly enjoying our ale

With our lovely lunches

Served to us by beautiful barmaids.


Those golden prizes are the three front tables

From where you can see the golden sand:

On a beach

Dotted with distant tiny people

As some frolic in the estuary waves

On paddle boards,

Basking in the glorious sun.

Time for another pint.


Paul Butters


© PB 2\9\23.