Sunday 11 September 2022

How Many Times

 (Picture Credit - Big Ben from Freepik)

How many times can I say

I don’t want to die

Or extol the bountifulness of Mother Nature.

And how many times can I gasp

At the wonder of our ever-expanding universe?

It is what it is

As I’ve said on many occasions before.


Yet that mysterious aura of spirituality still surrounds us.

Perhaps my Muse is having an early Autumn break.

We still are but tiny ants

Looking up and dreaming

About what lies beyond

Our star speckled night-skies.


It took us ages to find that we all come from Africa

That The Earth is not the centre of The Cosmos

And that really we know next to nothing

About anything.


We were so easily ravaged by a tiny virus called Covid

And still struggle against the excesses of Global Warming.

So much more still needs to be done.


It’s The Anniversary of Nine Eleven,

Queen Elizabeth II is dead.

King Charles III has taken the throne.

The kids are back at school now

And in the blink of an eye

It will be Christmas.


Paul Butters


© PB 11\9\2022.