Wednesday 22 May 2024

Poetry Is


(Picture credit - Dreamstime)

Poetry is word-music

Word, word music.

Is soul, spirit, magical mystery

Quintessential essence

Of love and beauty.


Iambic and other rhythms and rhymes

Are optional

For, again, poetry is soul.

The Word is King.

Any word.



A singular word of double meaning:

Lickle bird and nipple

No waxing lyrical here

Just a bit of lit that’s bound to fit


Brief word

Amongst sesquipedalian articulations

And rapturous birdsong that echoes through the forests.


So leave that doggerel alone.

Let your heart sing


Your spirit and soul

Shining like a supernova

Resonating through our minds.

A concerto of verbal sounds

Played with our inner voices.

Literary art

Expressed in musical notes.



Paul Butters


© PB 22\5\2024.