Tuesday 7 August 2012

Frenetic Genetics

As a teenager at school in the late 1960s I recall reading an article on the new Genetic Engineering. It described how a man could be crossed with an oak tree! Not long afterwards I wrote a positive poem about a golden future, genetically engineered.

Since then, of course, GE has had some very bad press. People are terrified of it! For sure, there must be dangers. Whole ecosystems could be destroyed by one mistake. So, acknowledging my earlier naivety I wrote a more balanced poem, "Frenetic Genetics". I see it as an "ideas" poem. Keats and Shelley can sleep easy: no fine imagery attempted here.

Actually the poem has been very popular on the internet. A biology teacher in California even advocated its use in lessons on genetics! I was quite honoured by that. Here it is:

Genetic engineering’s here to stay
Possibilities are endless, scientists say:
Men mixed with anything we can find:
Oak trees, wasps, ants and elephants combined.
Satanic horror armies sweep their enemies away
And Frankenstein’s monster’s but child’s play
Compared with this lot.

Yet with Good intent,
And wisdom heaven sent,
Utopia or Paradise could be on its way:
Bumper bug-free harvests every day,
Giant fruit and docile, friendly beasts.
Food for all, and endless feasts.

All manner of
Or Evil
Is within
Our grasp.

It’s down to us.

Paul Butters  (W) and (C) 26\4\2008. Word erased 11\7\2011.

(There was originally a word "little" after "monster's").

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