Sunday 5 August 2012

Game of Never

(Picture courtesy of NASA)

This first poem (on this blog) is my pride and joy. Through my late teens I had tried to master regular iambic verse. This was the first effort I was satisfied with.

It started as a mental exercise looking for words that sum everything up. Hence "Life", then "Death". Then I came up with the sad word that, at death, all is "Forgotten". Now I started writing, on a piece of card...

Some time later a fellow Huddersfield student, I think it was Ralph Chamberlain, presented me with that very card. I had dropped it at his house party! Close-shave: my best effort nearly lost forever, forgotten! I wrote it down properly and typed it out. Later it went onto computer.

Some time in the 1990s I was waiting for a Chinese Takeaway at "The Phoenix" in Cleethorpes (on Hardy's Road). There I saw a newspaper advertisement by Forward Press, asking for poems for a new anthology. So I sent them three poems, including "Game of Never". They chose another poem: one now called "Girl Eyes"! Didn't get that. Still, I sent "Game..." to a publisher once called "National Library of Poetry". So, it is in print, plus also on various online sites. In 1997 I added two more lines, for a positive ending. I Note my father sadly passed away a few days after those lines were added. Here is the poem:


Life-Death Forgotten, Never Was;
Time, matter whirling, empty Space.
Love, merely hunger, drives us On;      
Self, ever lonely, rots apace.
God, faintly ruling, far away,
Sees sinful, lusty liars pray.
Vague faceless ocean,
Blackest Light;
Nothing tells us What is Right.
Life is but a Game we Play;
Death no more than End of Day,

                 (Yet Remembered,
With Hope).

Paul Butters

(First Drafted 22\4\1971)

(13\6\97: "Yet Remembered... added)

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1 comment:

  1. Thank You Viewers! One hour gone: USA 28, UK 9, Germany 1. Simplicity works! Wish I'd monetised earlier. Odd that just one ad at bottom of page though. Cannot see how to change that on Adsense either. But who's bothered about money anyway?
